
Hexa Anemnor Syrup 200 ml


Indications: Iron deficiency, Anaemia, Nutritional Anaemia, Anorexia, Fatigue and generalized debility.

निर्देश : शरीर में लोहतत्व की कमी से होने वाली खून की कर्मी, दुर्बलता, थकान, पीलिया एवं अरूचि में लाभदायक है।

CHILDREN Dosage: Age 3-6 yrs 2.5 ml, Age 6-12 yrs 5ml. twice a day.

ADULTS: 15-20 ml. 3 times a day.

As directed by the Physician.



Composition :

Each 10ml contains :

Draksha – Vitis vinifera – 100 mg

Purnarnava – Boerhavia –  diffusa – 100 mg

Amalaki – Emblica  – officinalis – 100 mg

Shatavari – Asparagus –  racemosus – 50mg

Khadir – Acacia Catechu – 50mg

Erandakarkati –Carica –  papaya – 50mg

Arbi – Colocasia – antiquorum – 50mg

Manjistha – Rubia cordifolia – 50mg

Methi – Trigonella – foenum-graecum – 50 mg

Kumari – Aloe vera – 50mg


Ferrous –  sulphate – 10mg

Mandoor – Rusted Iron – 10mg

Gairik – Haematite – 10mg

Loha bhasma – Iron – 10mg

PRESERVATIVES: S Bensozoate 0.1% SMM 0.1%, SP 0.02%


: Pineapple


: Caramel

Suger Free

Syrup Base


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